Terremoto en Italia

ATME traslada, a través de las asociaciones militares italianas (*) presentes en EUROMIL, su solidaridad y afecto ante los trágicos momentos que está padeciendo el pueblo italiano.

Dear friends and colleagues in Italy.

From ATME (Spanish Soldier and Seaman Association) we want to express you our solidarity and affection in this hard moments you are suffering. We offer our support for all we can do from the distance, and we have all of you  in our hearts.

 Juan Carlos Tamame 


(*) AMID (Associazione per i Militari Democratici), ASSODIPRO (Associazione Solidarietà Diritto e Progresso), PASTRENGO (Associazione Carabinieri in Servizio) y UNARMA (Unarma news sicurezza difensa)